Hosting solutions for small businesses

Saturday 8 December 2012

Marketing your micro job services

Marketing you micro job services is important, in fact with out your self promotion your gigs may already be drowned in the sea of micro job services, and it's a BIG sea!. So that being said, you are here now expecting me to throw you a life saver and tell you how easy it really is to promote your gigs and I will show you a way you can make hundreds of thousands just by following my "1,2,3" step marketing plan, wrong. I am not your everyday internet marketer, however i will help as much as i can and that's a promise and i can tell you this "it's far from easy", actually let me define my "easy" would be getting up in the morning making a coffee, turning the computer on and seeing lots of orders on my gigs that have been automated by some super duper software and all i have to do is click withdraw, GREAT! Well i am sure you are aware by now that nothing is ever this easy. So if you're serious about making this work for you then please keep reading, if your one of them looking for this super duper software then please try "click bank".

Social marketing your gigs

Social marketing is actually one of the first things you should do once you have created a gig, this can be even more powerful and cost effective than paying for Google PPC. Think about this, let's take Facebook for example, you already have a fan base with all your friends and family. One of you family friends purchases your gig (i will create a piece of art portrait of your family for $5), you complete the gig and send it to him, He's over the moon and post it to his facebook timeline and all his friends see it, then one of his friends see's it and does the same and so on. Imagine the exposure you could get just from selling one gig to a family friend, it's mental the power of social marketing. Think about twitter, you have 1,000 dedicated followers and one of them purchase your gig and then tweets about it to his 1,000 followers and so on, social marketing is really powerful and i would highly recommend this as one of your first steps. Your probably thinking "well this seems easy" well that's because it is but it's the amount of time and effort you put in to promoting your services, you can just post about it once and then hope for the best you have to keep going, and this doesn't mean post the same day 5 times for the same job, showcase your work for other gigs you completed and so on, it's the whole point of being social is that you need to connect with your audience.

I hope this has give you some good ideas to play around with. I will be going in to marketing you micro jobs in a little bit more detail in my next post, but for now Happy Gigging.

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